Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Details of assessment

Group analysis – 20% - in your allocated week in tutorial time
Working in groups of 3, prepare and present an oral presentation. This can take any form
including aural and visual, as creative performance, or conventional research presentation.

The list below features major creative works that demonstrably advance knowledge:

• Select one of the works;

• Research the practitioners involved;

• Attempt to determine the conceptual framework involved in the work and offer
support for your conclusion;

• Research and determine the cultural context for its production – what is its art-field
and are there broader cultural, historical or other aspects that speak to its context;

• Attempt to determine the conceptual framework involved in the work and provide
your reasons for the answer;

• Provide an account of what knowledge you consider was generated, how the creative
work under investigation has illuminated an aspect of society and/or creative practice,
and how it has (or might) generate new modes of thinking and making.

Assessment criteria:
• Quality of engagement with the artist/work concerned
• Evidence of ability to establish the research input into that work
• Evidence of ability to establish the research findings from that work
• Quality of oral presentation: interest, clarity, fluency, use of presentation aids.

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